Repsol GXR Plus is a multi-grade mineral based lubricant which, due to its advanced set of additives, is widely recommended for use in modern passenger car engines. Its balanced and robust formulation meets and exceeds the API SN standards, protecting the engine against wear and rust. Due to its high TBN level, it can be used with high Sulphur fuels, neutralizing the acids in the combustion chamber. Several viscosities are considered to cover most engines requirement. It provides good cold start performance and also protects the engine even in the harshest environment.


  • Additive technology developed to deal with petrol of high Sulphur content.
  • Excellent antioxidant capacity to extend the lubricant life.
  • Excellent viscosity rating when cold starting; lubricant pumps easily on ignition, which reduces the
    time necessary for the film to form, thus decreasing wear
  • Outstanding cleanliness performance in the engine

Quality Levels

  • API SN


  • RM240.00 (4L)